
Edodwaja’s “Futuristic Lab On Wheels” is a mobile lab installed on a bus equipped with modern technology devices and gadgets. We offer students studying in schools/ colleges/ communities a practical and fun learning experience through our mobile lab. The Flow Bus can accommodate 30-35 people at once. We bring this state-of-the-art mobile lab right to your doorstep, where our expert team will engage students with hands-on lessons about the latest technologies installed in the lab.

Through the Flow Bus, we provide students with a unique way of learning that ignites and sparks their creativity and invention, fostering Technological Innovation. By providing hands-on learning experiences and cutting-edge resources, we aim to cultivate a society that thrives on innovation, passion, and accessibility to technology. We aim to nurture the students into leaders in a tech-driven future.

What do we have on-board?

  • 1 . Students are only allowed to enter the bus only in the presence of an instructor.
  • 2 . Water bottles and any eatables are not allowed.
  • 3 . Students are requested to enter the lab without footwear and ensure their hands are not wet, their hair is tied.
  • 4 . Flammable items, Electronic gadgets, and Photography are prohibited.
  • 5 . Do not operate or use any device without the permission of the instructor.
  • 6 . In case of an emergency, evacuate the bus immediately.
  • 7 . Do not touch the devices that are labelled as “hot surfaces” and electric hazard signs.

Articles and Milestone

Hindusan Times

23-year-old ‘steers’ tech & robotic talks to Hyderabad

Madhulash Babu, an MBA student from the city, grew u without the necessary exposure to technology during his school days, making it difficult for him to compete with his peers in college. Knowing how important it is for students to be exposed to modern technology, he started ‘Lab on Wheels’, a bus that has robotics, IOT, drones, AR/VR,etc...

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Telangana Cm

India’s First Futuristic Lab on Wheels

Welcome to the Future: Launch of Our Groundbreaking FLOW Bus The bus was all set to run on the roads of the educational revolution. But we waited for the right time and person to launch the Flow bus. And who’s better than the leader of the state to wave the flag. We are thrilled to have launched the FLOW bus, marking a significant step toward democratizing access to quality...

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Flow Bus

EDODWAJA – Futuristic Lab On Wheels- FLOW

Introducing “EDODWAJA – Futuristic Lab On Wheels- FLOW,” India’s first futuristic mobile laboratory designed to cater to the practical learning needs of students. With a capacity for 35+ students, this innovative bus is equipped with cutting-edge technologies including robotics, IOT, drones, AR/VR, etc...

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Our team

We are a young group of people, specializing in our own technical and management domains, differentiated by our experiences, perspectives, and working styles but united by one common passion and goal - TO LEARN AND GROW BIG AS A GROUP, ALL TOGETHER. We are working hard towards this goal with passion through EDODWAJA – The Real Education. Edodwaja provides students with opportunities and resources to understand, learn, and further build technology. We make empirical learning accessible to students for better learning experiences. We guide them through the entire learning and understanding process, which will help our team in turn in learning better, as teaching is one of the best ways to keep learning. EDODWAJA IS HERE FOR YOUR GROWTH HENCEFORTH!

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